Joseph Bracchitta


Hackensack High School
Yearbook Photo


Joseph Bracchitta had his yearbook photo included in the 1946 yearbook which was taken in the fall of 1945.

When April of 1946 came around, just a few months away from graduation, Joseph Bracchitta left Hackensack High School (to his coach,
Howard Bollerman's
displeasure) to play minor league baseball for the
New York Giants.~~
-Bob Meli 11/27/09


A Moment Lost

Here is the story of Joseph Anthony Bracchitta who was ready for major league baseball in 1949. The Giants sign a 30 year old talented ballplayer from the Negro leagues named Monte Irvin that same year. In 1950, Joe Bracchitta is drafted and shipped out to Korea, and Monte Irvin is shipped up to the major leagues. Upon returning from the Korean War in 1952, the N.Y. Giants never released his contract to the Tigers or Cubs, he was unable to play center field for the N.Y. Giants because of ‘the Great WILLIE MAYS.'

Anyone who has played baseball dreams of
one day facing a major league pitcher and
getting a game winning hit.

Joe Bracchitta was one moment away, but it never happened. He served his country receiving the MEDAL OF VALOR and that brief window in time for an athlete was lost.

Written by:
Bob Meli
December 1, 2006




Background image of a Korean War Helicopter obtained from: